
Posts Tagged ‘libertarian’

Nanny: an 18th century familiar form of the name Ann – a popular choice for nannies.
Nanny statism is an extreme form of statism, where the state is perceived to be taking the over-protective role of a nanny. The term is bandied about most frequently when traditional vices or familiar but unsafe practices are cracked down on in democratic states. In addition to public health and consumer protectionism, it can also extend into economic protectionism: for example, government procurement skewed towards indigenous firms.
Just as statism is at the far end of the political spectrum from libertarianism, the direct opposite of the nanny state is known as the night watchman state: a form of state which cannot minize further without becoming anarchism.
State intervention can be subjectively interpreted: a classic example is the tobacco smoking ban now prevalent in many countries. In federal states, the level of nanny statism can vary widely: in the US, some states (read: California) allow motorcycling without a helmet, whereas others (read: Vermont) ban cycling without a helmet.

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